Scrutiny 7 6 1 download free. I am new to hear, but need to create a audio. I have used FCPX in the past with no issue. I imported.mp4 clips from my iPhone that clearly have audio, however, upon import the audio cuts out after 0.2 seconds. Pixelmator 2 2 – powerful layer based image editor. Screens 4 6 9 x 2. New features in Final Cut Pro 10.4.7 From the course: Final Cut Pro X 10.4.8 Essential Training Start my 1-month free trial.
| Hello! I am new to hear, but need to create a audio. I have used FCPX in the past with no issue. I imported .mp4 clips from my iPhone that clearly have audio, however, upon import the audio cuts out after 0.2 seconds. I can see the audio for the half of a second in the editor, and then the whole line goes flat. This happens to EVERY audio clip I have recently imported. This does not occur to any of the older imports. When played in QT there is audio for all the clips. I have unchecked pretty much every option on import. I just find it odd that FCPX seems to totally mute or delete the audio after about a .2 seconds as you can hear the audio play VERY briefly and then it goes dead silent. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. Thank you! |
| What app recorded this? I use my iPhone for video and audio daily and don't have issues. So I'm wondering what is doing this on your system. It would be nice to figure that out rather than spend extra time transcoding. But, transcoding in the Finder is a quick workaround, although I always use H.264 rather than ProRes, just personal choice. |
| So I had this issue for a long time and could not figure it out until today. I noticed that this issue happens when going through my audio interface (Focusrite Scarlett 18i20) but not when setting my Output Device to Internal so sound will come from the internal speakers of my MBP. The fix I found that works is to going into the Audio Midi Setup found in your Applications/Utilities, click on Configure Speakers in the bottom right hand corner of the window and change your speaker setup from Stereo to 2.0 Surround. Viola! the iPhone Mono files playback in the Event Browser now with no problem. Let me know if this helps. Attachment not found |